By its ok to cheat!? - 20/02/2013 21:52 - United States - Brisbane

Today, I got my results on a recent, important midterm. During the exam, I'd noticed my instructor had accidentally left an answers page in the test packet, so being honest, I didn't look at them. It turns out she did it on purpose to help us pass. I failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 749
You deserved it 15 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whats the point of a test if youre given the answers....unless im missing something?

Atchoo 8

I wonder what the dean/principal/program director or other appropriate authority in the school would have to say about those testing methods......


Glad to know some people still have morals.

FarFromSocial 9

Looks like honesty wasn't the best policy

So you had the answers and didn't use them? That's so stupid!

Honesty is the best policy. But oh shit.. I failed ALONE!!!!

If it really had been a mistake, it is likely that all of the tests would've been invalidated due to all of the undeserved scores. So it would've been safer to at least check to make sure your answers were correct, given the chance that the scores would not be cancelled

Me: God!! why did you not help me to pass the so difficult exam? God: sorry but who do you think forced your teacher to leave the answers in the packet??

I think it's suppose to be a joke spin off-- of the guy sitting on his roof during a flood waiting for God to save him. Yeah, he drowned.

Because everyone reads the bible religiously?... Tee hee, religiously.

She could have helped you pass by doing her job and teach you the material. She's not helping anyone. Good for you for being honest. Sorry you failed the test, but failing that exam says a lot more of who you are and will be an advantage to you later in life.

What does this say about this person as an educator? Are her students prepared? How did she get to where she is at?