By KamiyaHaine - 02/10/2013 05:54 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I got married. The officiant of the ceremony referred to me as Amanda through my ceremony. My name is Anna. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 407
You deserved it 4 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why didnt your husband speak up in your defense


So of he finds a girl name Anna, its total legal

When my sister got married, she was called Bethany twice during the ceremony. That's my name and I was the maid of honor.

During my aunt's wedding the officiant called my uncle Augustus rather than Agustine. Then my aunt did too. They laugh about it now.

Doesn't that mean you're not technically married?

No correction? I really hope the certificate is correct...

RedPillSucks 31

look on the brightside OP, it will be a funny story to tell your children. At my aunt's wedding my grandfather stepped on my aunts veil the entire way down the aisle pulling it out. And its her favorite story to share. Many happiness to youband your husband! Congrats!

katie_xoxo3 16

Aw why didn't you correct him? I'm sorry :/

an3ph 20

Amanda is a cool name. Nothing wrong with Amanda.