By Lifeless - 01/06/2011 07:39 - United States

Today, I got into a staring contest with my dog. I actually cheered when I won. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 424
You deserved it 12 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could have been worse, you could have lost and cried...

perdix 29

I'll bet you cheated and blew into his nose to make him blink.


It could have been worse, you could have lost and cried...

I don't get why this is a FML... You fricking won.

...And then you lost to a stray cat. Don't feel bad, you lost to an animal that can lick their own balls.

now its my turn to take you on... but just so you know.. im an all time champion.

I take my hat off for your dominance next time do it with a vicious dog see if you win then

Try it with a raccoon during the day.

Try it with a raccoon during the day.

Try it with a raccoon during the day.

Try it with a raccoon during the day.

I stare at my dog and never lose :). I must be some kind of pro?

To life, to life lecheim! (I think that's how you spell that) :D

perdix 29

I'll bet you cheated and blew into his nose to make him blink.

HAHA!!! i've done that to my dog before :)

That in itself could be an FML.... "Today, I had to cheat in a staring contest just to beat my dog."

^ that makes sense, cuzzz it seems like my dog does anything to avoid eye contact!

jazziness 12

Never get into a staring contest with a cat it strips you of your dignity!

wow I don't know this contest exist..

I'm just shock that there is these kind of contest. I've never saw or heard of it before..

It''s not like an official thing, she just decided to have a staring contest with her dog.

ok now I get it. I feel so stupid. thanks

5- Ya they host them all over the world. It's very entertaining to watch. Can't believe you never happen to even see one on t.v.

oh yeahh! i watch them all the time. they can go on for minutes at a time. very suspensful.

I, for one, am impressed. no negative voting from me.

iAmScrubs 19

The next step for you young apprentice is Ye mighty lion.

JustinThunder 8

At least you're dog isn't a sore loser.. I'm still recovering from my broken nose.