By Lifeless - 01/06/2011 07:39 - United States

Today, I got into a staring contest with my dog. I actually cheered when I won. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 421
You deserved it 12 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could have been worse, you could have lost and cried...

perdix 29

I'll bet you cheated and blew into his nose to make him blink.


XD That's kind of adorable. In a sad way, of course, but adorable nonetheless!

dancer_2014 0

is it bad that I've done that too..?

lonlyboarder 0

Be glad that you won. From the dogs perspektive you were staring him down, wich means that had it one it would have been confirmation of it having a higher status than you aka alpha male. The dog should blink/look away fairly quickly to show that it knows u outrank it

BV29 2

hey there's nothing wrong with that I would've done the same thing.

snapeaholic 5

Dude! Why is this on FML? I do this EVERY DAY, mines an FML, i've never won >_<

"You need to find yourself a girl mate."