By RobotUnicorn1209 - 14/08/2015 19:31 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, I got in trouble for punching my sister. Apparently, it still counts if it's in Minecraft and she looked like she was going to steal my stuff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 580
You deserved it 2 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your parents don't understand video games, do they?


BaDumTsss_fml 23
JustinJK 21

Might as well commit the crime of your being punished for it!

JustinJK 21

That was my thought process haha. might as well!

This is why video games are not played with sisters.

Your parents don't understand video games, do they?

cidawes89 7
ChloeRattlehead 22

Steal your stuff on Minecraft or irl?

Because punching people in Minecraft will really stop people stealing your stuff in real life.

ChloeRattlehead 22

I realized this was a dumb question right after I posted it I apologize

"Oh no! She is stealing my stuff!" *logs in Minecraft* *punches sister's character* "That'll show her!"

DeltaDragonxx 20

you are aware you can edit comments right

youngmessi252525 20

Punch her again, that birch aint worth losing your diamonds

JMichael 25

*beats my sister at mario kart* Sis: Mom he hit me with a blue turtle! Mom: you're grounded for a year! Me: *stares incredulously*

*beats sister in Mario Kart* Mom he beat me!

creativelexi 20

You know TNT is an amazing thing , so are trapdoors. Or you know just don't play with her, or on same server.