By tragic - 29/08/2016 04:51 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I got dumped for the second time by the guy that I'd been seeing. He actually forgot that he'd already dumped me once this week and did it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 478
You deserved it 1 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe for the third time you should dump him.

Maybe he'll forget he dumped you next week?


Ditto the comment about did he even get close enough to dump you again? When it's over move on...and don't give the asshat another chance to "forget"!

species4872 19

Should have time him the second time that it was you that broke up with him the first time.

Hoping that this guy is just an ass and doesn't have early onset Alzheimer's or something Otherwise it would be really tragic

If I were you, I would've gone after the first time and stopped all communication with him. Don't allow yourself to be dumped more than once by the same person.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Wow. He really wasn't thinking about you. May you open the next conversation you have with him contain several expletives.

I'm trying to understand this.. Did he just pull a Costanza and act like it never happened the first time?

Happened to me once too. He was drunk the first time and had forgotten, the second time I thought he just wanted to come over and try being friends. I was open to that but didn't expect him to pitch me the exact same speech he gave a week past! He was pretty relieved when I stopped him at the middle and we laughed, then he left.