By rickjameson - 29/08/2016 10:19 - United States - Kill Devil Hills

Today, I made a point of talking to our parachute riggers, and thanking them for all they do. Today is also the first day I had to pull my reserve chute because my main chute didn't open correctly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 146
You deserved it 1 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was just their idea of a joke-- "Hey, let's mispackage his main chute so that he freaks out." "Haha that's great."

A mistake that shouldn't happen, chutes that fail can seriously hurt or kill the poor bastard who got stuck with it.


I'm actually gonna go ahead and guess that OP is a member of 82nd ABN at Ft. Bragg (based on his location).

FML_HelloItsMe 15

Hard Luck OP! Hope you are alright! You can bet it was just a mistake!

A mistake that shouldn't happen, chutes that fail can seriously hurt or kill the poor bastard who got stuck with it.

Chute that was a close one. My sad attempt at a pun, yes I failed.

It was just their idea of a joke-- "Hey, let's mispackage his main chute so that he freaks out." "Haha that's great."

I think you should be talking to, and thanking Dog more often. Perhaps checking the rig yourself woudn't be bad either. But that must've been some adrenaline rush!!!

Being a parachute rigger myself, I would say "bad body position." ;)