By lucywatson - 06/05/2016 19:06 - United Kingdom

Today, working as a veterinarian, I received a complaint from a client. He said I sucked at my job, purely because I implied he should have brought his severely ill cat in a lot sooner. Which he should have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 360
You deserved it 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I went once brought in my cat after it l had been hit by a car a few days prior. The "vet" was so shitty, he couldn't even bring it back to life! He just kept trying to move towards the door and asking how I managed to get past reception with a dead cat. Pfff!

Don't take it personally. You didn't do anything wrong.


Don't take it personally. You didn't do anything wrong.

I went once brought in my cat after it l had been hit by a car a few days prior. The "vet" was so shitty, he couldn't even bring it back to life! He just kept trying to move towards the door and asking how I managed to get past reception with a dead cat. Pfff!

I read your FML and wondered initially how you work as a vegetarian and what cats have to do with that. Then I realised I needed to get some rest.

After I read your comment I felt good because I wasn't the only one to read vegetarian instead of veterinarian Well, OP, don't mind that person. Even if this case goes court, you'll win easily

You should've told him he sucks at his job as a pet owner. Then tell him he can go elsewhere if he wants to be a jackass.

I worked as an assistant for a vet who had a similar problem with a vegan who said he sucked at his job because he couldn't heal her cat. She gave it vegan food and refused to give him meat. She said it obviously wasn't the problem and he was a bad vet. Some people are idiots and will always think vets and doctors are supposed to perform miracles and should be able to make anything okay. I hope you don't get that type of problem too often.

I've read a few articles about the dangers of vegans making their dogs and cats follow their "diet". Ya know what was said at the end of each article? They should have got a rabbit or guinea pig if they wanted a pet that didn't eat meat!

Exactly, it not like herbivore animals are hard to find.

Was the cat ill from eating 15 out of 16 stitching pins?

ohsnapword 21

I was once working on a client's PC. He kept asking if I knew what I was doing and questioning everything I did. All because he read one thing on the internet. Fed up, I got up and said to him "here, if you know what you're doing, you fix it." That shut him up. tldr; Don't take it personally. The client is never a good judge of your job performance.

I know that you are probably right OP. But, sometimes it's best to keep it to yourself. Hope the cat survived.

I was coming to say this! OP is definitely right, but there's no point in saying things like that. We can't go back in time to bring the cat in sooner so why say that? It's best to just keep comments like that to ourselves to prevent the backlash. But you can think inside your head the whole time that the guy sucks! After caring for sick cats, the last thing I'd want to hear is that I should have done something differently...But I believe I cared for mine better than he cared for his.

So if he has another cat, or any animal, or this cat manages to live, he won't let them suffer in the future and bring them in immediately. How's that for a great reason for this man to have to listen to his **** up from the vet after letting his cat suffer?

I have to agree with #32. We don't want them to make that mistake in the future.

story of my life, especially with owners of dogs that have parvo.