By tragic - 29/08/2016 04:51 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I got dumped for the second time by the guy that I'd been seeing. He actually forgot that he'd already dumped me once this week and did it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 477
You deserved it 1 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe for the third time you should dump him.

Maybe he'll forget he dumped you next week?


Now it's time you call him and dump him.

There's a saying that goes: dump me once shame on you dump me twice cant the blame on you dump me three times eff the peace signs load the chopper let it rain on you....

Lizzy500 16

How many girls is this asshat seeing to be able to forget a thing like that?

redcode5 17

The first time he dumped you, it was his right, the second time he dumped you, it was a dick move.

At least there is no doubt about his intentions. Sorry OP, time to move on - I know easier said than done.

Sounds like a FTW. If he does not care enough about you to remember breaking up, you dodged a bullet. Even if he has Alzheimer or some such, because he will just forget you broke up and you will still be going out.

why did you even get back with him?