By Dezzy - 03/11/2014 19:06 - United States - Springfield

Today, I decided to give my boyfriend a surprise striptease. After I turned around, I heard him murmur "Oh, wow." I turned back around, only to find him watching a gif of a cat falling into snow in slow motion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 244
You deserved it 4 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let's face it, nothing beats a cat falling into snow in slow motion

Wow, your boyfriend really doesn't appreciate what he has. Sorry OP.


Wow, your boyfriend really doesn't appreciate what he has. Sorry OP.

Sorry OP, don't take it too personally. He was probably too focused on the gif to notice or maybe he just wasn't in the mood.

I think you just summarized the reasons why it's an FML for OP

Xandrick 22

A strange thing....if a woman is not in the mood, the proper thing is to excuse her without fuss (which I totally understand), and any show of frustration from the man means that he's a lowly Neanderthal who lets his penis run his life. But when a man is not in the mood, he's not excused, and a woman's anger and frustration is somehow justified. RollingCakes' negative comment rating is an example of this.

LuckBeNimble 19

not necessarily, I think the general "outrage" at her BF is because she was trying to do something nice for him and he dismissed it, not the fact that he isn't sex-crazed; for instance, if a guy had tried to surprise his GF with something nice and she couldn't care less we'd call her a bit of a bitch, intentions notwithstanding.

Oh yeah. My bad. I completely misunderstood this one.

I agree with this statement and don't understand the thought

let's face it, nothing beats a cat falling into snow in slow motion

Sorry for your bad luck. maybe it just wasn't that good

Sorry for your comment. Maybe it was just rude.

The guy has his priorities a little twisted. Striptease > falling kitties