By steppppphhhhhh - 09/04/2013 08:18 - United States - Pacifica

Today, I got called an "evil Nazi bitch" because I let a customer know that this is the last day our store will have free plastic bags. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 841
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Toeshoes3 4

Stupid bag ban. There's a law in Austin stating there are to be no more plastic bags. Only reusable bags can be used

token_blackguy 18

If I know my history, that is pretty much how it started.

At my high school Latin was a course in grade 9 so a lot of people took it. Its the basis of a lot of undead (?) languages.

You guys should get off four's case. Reading Harry Potter doesn't mean you know Latin. But seriously, most people don't take Latin, including the made-up word.

We've had this law regarding plastic bags over a year ago here in Canada...

Meant to thumbs up, sorry! Stupid iPhone! I hope us Canadians keep going greener so our kids can have a clean planet to enjoy :)

When I'm in Canada we have to pay 5 cents per plastic bag, and then after that bag our own groceries. Don't see us complaining. .-.