By crazyvulva9216 - 27/01/2009 01:17 - United States

Today, I got bored on the toilet and decided to paint my nails. I ended up having to wait half an hour to wipe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 829
You deserved it 68 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you do a shitty job on your nails? oh how i love puns

GlamorusKaos 1


esklstar 0

haha just thinking about something like that is sooo funny hhahahaha good luck with that!!

way to think that one through next time think before you do something...wait you can only do that if you have a brain. did I piss you off great now go prove you have a brain.

sammichbitch 0

This is such bullshit. No nail polish takes 30 minutes to dry.

30 minutes?! what kind of nail polish do you have that it takes that long to dry?!!!

skitzoyd 0

Shouldve painted ur toenails instead

oh that sucks... it happened to me once

ha if u did wipe ur nails would be brown or maybe yellow! and YDI

Haha! How do you get that bored while pooping?

FML4Rachel 0