By crazyvulva9216 - 27/01/2009 01:17 - United States

Today, I got bored on the toilet and decided to paint my nails. I ended up having to wait half an hour to wipe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 829
You deserved it 68 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you do a shitty job on your nails? oh how i love puns

GlamorusKaos 1


nyangel 0

next time grab a book, or a magazine...hmm, but that only works when you're smart enough to know how to read.

Are you serious #15? Girls do poop.

Embarassment 0

That was the worst judgement. Funny but YDI all the way.

Embarassment 0

And #15, in case you were wondering, girls do poop. I hope you were kidding, if not, that's sad.

uthinkurhot 0

ew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what are you talking about? GIRLS DONT POOP!

Mandalynnn 0

Hahahahahaha,this is so funny, but I have to say I would mess up my nails. I would rather redo my nails later rather than let my poop dry up!

Hahaha that's pretty funny, actually. But you still deserve it.