Jealous of Charles Manson? OK dude…

By Anonymous - 06/12/2021 18:59 - Brazil - Joinville

Today, I realized that even the worst criminals have girls falling for them, and meanwhile, I just got ghosted again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 789
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sounds like a neat way to deflect personal responsibility from your own behaviour. Ask yourself why you keep getting ghosted, "nice guy."

You mean like the criminals that steal packages off of people's doorsteps and then return to dump off the torn-up packaging? Those are the worst! On the plus side, it's pretty easy to become one of those and you'll be able to pick up chicks left and right! If not, at least you'll get some random stuff.


That sounds like a neat way to deflect personal responsibility from your own behaviour. Ask yourself why you keep getting ghosted, "nice guy."

You mean like the criminals that steal packages off of people's doorsteps and then return to dump off the torn-up packaging? Those are the worst! On the plus side, it's pretty easy to become one of those and you'll be able to pick up chicks left and right! If not, at least you'll get some random stuff.

Tell us you’re an incel without telling us you’re an incel.

The kind of girl who would idolize a criminal? Yeah, you're better off without...

Steve45 4

Being nice never got me a girlfriend. the day I acted as a real unsensitive jerk to a woman. And even accidently hit her with my elbow turning around holding a large glass of beer she went home with me that night.