By accidentalnorman - 07/12/2015 10:11

Today, I got back from a week long holiday with my new girlfriend. I started thinking about her whilst talking to my parents and reflexively cupped my mother's ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 229
You deserved it 31 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zach055 23

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. My brain isn't equipped to handle such information.


Usually when I read funny stuff on the Internet I don't do anything. Maybe a smile every once in a while, but this actually made me laugh out loud.

crackajak 15

Sounds like the beginning of an incest **** video.

Severefear 7

Someone wants a little Oedipus Rexstasy.

For one you said it was a new girlfriend so you instinctively Group asses I think maybe you should stop letting the little head thinking for the big one

RedPillSucks 31

How long did you let your hand linger?

Thanks for making me throw up after a meal.thats totally disgusting.