By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 19:22 - Canada

Today, I got a parking ticket for $150. It seems it was issued by my husband, who apparently can't remember license plate numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 025
You deserved it 31 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ought to have got the parking ticket... you deserved it. Acting like he should bend the rules for you is idiotic, and a risk of his job security.

Just because your husband is a police officer doesn't mean that you can break the law. YDI


glitchedgamer 0

What makes you think you're so special? You don't get to break the law cuz you're married to a cop. YDI

it must run in the family because apparently you can't remember apparently has 2 ps. and good job parking in a ridiculously illegal spot ($150?? ticket) and thinking it doesn't matter because your husband's a cop.

you don't get special treatment because he's a cop.that's unfair. he was right to give you the ticket and should make YOU pay for it. this was a stupid FML because you shouldve known you get comments like this. kthanksbye(:

and you APPARENTLY dont know how to spell APPARENTLY. dumbass

Serves u rite... just because ur husband Is a police doesn't mean u ought to be treated differently if u deserved the ticket then u deserved it

I'm glad he gave you a ticket - like any others on here I don't think being married to a cop should mean you can get away with breaking the law. If anything, you should have a greater respect for it! Please also learn to spell the words "apparently" and "received" before using them, or at least make use of spellcheck, it was invented for this very purpose :)

richboii 0

You shouldn't be talking considering all the spelling errors you made in two sentences.

cakehale 0

so you think you should deserve to park where ever how ever when ever just because he's a cop? no one is above the law dumbass

ChucklesTheClown 4

he clearly did it on purpose. He knew it was your car because he needs to look up the license plate number which show who the car is registered too. either way, YDI

YDI for parking wrong and earning a ticket in the first place.