By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 19:22 - Canada

Today, I got a parking ticket for $150. It seems it was issued by my husband, who apparently can't remember license plate numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 025
You deserved it 31 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ought to have got the parking ticket... you deserved it. Acting like he should bend the rules for you is idiotic, and a risk of his job security.

Just because your husband is a police officer doesn't mean that you can break the law. YDI


tenebrus 0

don't you just hate police officers that do their job... and when lawbreakers get caught... yeah, me too. oh wait.

Karnezar 2

If it was his car, he would've noticed, and you're expecting too much for a husband to remember license plate numbers, you're also expecting too much of yourself, thinking someone would waste their time remembering your number. Anyway, whether or not he knew the car was yours, your dumbass got a ticket, and if your husband doesn't give out tickets to special individuals, then he's a failure of a ticketman, and your fault, once again, for marrying a failure. YDI, for expecting your husband to remember a license plate number, for expecting him to take it easy on you, for getting a ticket, and for complaining about getting a ticket. Kthx :3

You broke the law. YDI. I'd feel honored to be married to someone in a law-enforcement position who does not hold me above the law simply because I'm married to him. The ironic part, is that he, or you both jointly, will end up paying the ticket. That he wrote.

MusicMayhem 0

husbands don't remember crap -- i live with my parents 'cuz rent is too much, and this is a convo i overheard one day between them to demonstrate said fact. I'm not putting dates 'cuz I don't share my personal life online, but I think you can get the gist, lol. Mom: Honey, when is our anniversary? Dad: (Insert date here). Mom: Okay, when's my birthday? Me: (Insert date here). Dad: *points at * What she said. Me: FML.

YDI for expecting him to let you out of it just because you're married to him. If he would have, though, then **** both your lives because he's a piece of shit, and you're a dumb ****.

I think the point is that the cop wrote a ticket after the car went away, and got mixed up with his wife's reg plate. Like Vince in will and grace, a dumb cop.

I think the point is that the cop wrote a ticket after the car went away, and got mixed up with his wife's reg plate. Like Vince in will and grace, a dumb cop.

hippyman933 0

Yes just because hes your husband, you shouldn't get a ticket. I'm sure he should also let you drive home drunk and kill a family on the road. You're a fuckhead

That's funny but he's a cop it's notlike he was a genius to start with he'll get it cancelled anyways, not gonna say you DESERVE special treatment on it but christ I'd expect it too

CoverThief 0

Seriously? All of you seriously think that she was complaining about getting the ticket instead of sharing the irony that her husband essentially wrote a ticket that he will have to pay? He may as well have written *himself* a ticket. That was the point. A facepalm moment in all of its glory. This FML was freaking hilarious, and, my apologies to the OP but, that makes me laugh. A lot. One question though... when police write a ticket, it's customary to run the tags and make sure there aren't outstanding warrants or the like on the owner. Did he neglect to do this, or is he in fact a meter-maid, as other posters have suggested? Honest question... not bashing meter-maids (even though I despise them on principle, lol).