Own it!

By Anonymous - 28/06/2021 08:02 - Australia - Kenwick

Today, my ultra-conservative aunt got rip-roaring drunk at a family barbecue and told everyone that I'm a "raging homosexual" with a lack a moral compass, all because I kissed a male friend at a high school party about 20 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 047
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like my dead grandma. She told everyone I was a homosexual because I never had a girl friend in high school and showed no interest in girls at all. She still insisted I was gay, even after getting married and having kids. Needless to say, that wretched woman was out of my life for good when she crossed the line.

randybryant799 20

How does she even know that?


Sounds like my dead grandma. She told everyone I was a homosexual because I never had a girl friend in high school and showed no interest in girls at all. She still insisted I was gay, even after getting married and having kids. Needless to say, that wretched woman was out of my life for good when she crossed the line.

randybryant799 20

How does she even know that?

if OP's family is anything like mine, they talk. my dad gave me my first drink when I was 15 and it spread thru my family like wildfire, my aunts were so pissed.