By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 18:48 - United States

Today, I got a missed call from my dad, who hasn't talked to me in months and has vowed not to have anything to do with me. I called him back excitedly and apologized for missing his call, and we had a 20-second conversation about how his phone accidentally dialed my number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 159
You deserved it 3 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please. He probably called you and hung up on purpose to make you feel like crap.


Sounds like he's a complete asshole, no offense to you. I'm just kind of wondering why he even has your number if he's not going to talk to you again.

Generalx3 0

My dad gambles. everyone in the family hates him, he knows it and yet, doesn't change. Some people will never change. You just gotta go with the flow and realize, he ain't worth your time. even if he is your father.

kristena103 14

Same and if u thumb this down I'm serious

Sweetie, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I actually cried when I read this. Perhaps this butt dial will open up the lines of communication. Send a letter to him. Hand written not emailed, telling him how hopeful you were that he was calling to talk an that you hope he will call in the future.

kaylamrichards 4

Hey, we both have asshole fathers! It's a bitch isn't it? Sorry, I feel your pain :(