By Hesintrouble - 23/07/2013 19:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a call from my boyfriend's boss. She was wondering if he was okay, since he hasn't shown up to work for the past two weeks. Now I'm wondering where he's been going when he leaves the house each day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 003
You deserved it 4 324

Same thing different taste


I love how if a guy says something rude its "dump him" but if he lies for 2 weeks its "talk about it"

I can't wait for the follow up on this...

Maybe the person who called is not your bf boss, but somebody who wants to get him in trouble. 15 days of absence in any work mean being fired, that call is very suspicious. Some bosses call right away to know what happened, not 15 days later.

Unless the bf has been calling sick each day and the boss was just calling to check on him out of concern.

did you ever stop to think and ask him once you found out and doesn't make you wonder if he's cheating on you sorry to say but that's usually the case

He's gone undercover, and his boss is making sure that he hasn't compromised the mission

This sounds like that one episode of Spongebob...

tehdarkness 21

Cheating or not he is still lying/withholding. This will cause a major rift... Update us when you find out please!

undicided_fml 7