By justafriend - 28/05/2017 00:00

Today, I went to a bar with a close friend. She got drunk and was feeling sick, so I carried her to my car to take her to her house. Some stranger accused me of drugging her and tackled me with her in my arms. She threw up on me, and he took off running without an apology. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 259
You deserved it 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, I would just ask first before going in for the full body tackle. If she says it's fine then nothing happen and you go on with your life but if she says it's not fine then you still have the tackle option open. Still, kind of a shitty situation. You were doing a nice thing, he was trying to do a nice thing but it ended up being a bad thing.

I see two chivalrous deeds and sadly it went wrong for both of you guys. Your female friend should feel great when she wakes up and is through the hangover. She has a good friend like you to look after her and a random guy sticking up for her too. I know in your head he seemed like a bit of a dick but I can't but think if he did/does the same thing in a situation where some poor lass was drugged then he'll save her from one of the worst nights of her life. Rape mentally scars.


I mean, I would just ask first before going in for the full body tackle. If she says it's fine then nothing happen and you go on with your life but if she says it's not fine then you still have the tackle option open. Still, kind of a shitty situation. You were doing a nice thing, he was trying to do a nice thing but it ended up being a bad thing.

"No good deed goes unpunished." And you got punished twice.

I see two chivalrous deeds and sadly it went wrong for both of you guys. Your female friend should feel great when she wakes up and is through the hangover. She has a good friend like you to look after her and a random guy sticking up for her too. I know in your head he seemed like a bit of a dick but I can't but think if he did/does the same thing in a situation where some poor lass was drugged then he'll save her from one of the worst nights of her life. Rape mentally scars.

I read that thinking that to! His heart was in the right place

WatchDoge28 4

His heart was in the right place, but his brain certainly wasn't.

Patsy Boren 19

No good deed goes unpunished my friend..

Little Richard 11

your cleavage looks like it needs to be punished.

freezingorphan 5