By Rin - 15/01/2010 08:02 - United States

Today, I found some pictures of the boy I have a crush on online. Not only is he a crossdresser, but he's also a better looking woman than I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 502
You deserved it 6 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Rho_fml 0

I'm thinking it's a plus, but whatever blows your hair back.

Wow, you need to give me those pics. Depending on how hot it is, I'm willing to pay. Alot. Like alot, alot.

Well. That almost happened to me too. I was looking at pictures from a party where my current crush were attending. Suddenly I see his brother(Pretty much identical with my crush). I made my way to his profile. He is a cross-dresser. And better looking than me as a women.

RedInThaHead 0

lol your a better looking man lol hahahaha (1) that's funny

As a transsexual, perhaps I can offer an explanation. From what I know about gender identity, it is about 80% likely that he is straight, and could still be in a committed and working relationship (if you accept him). If he cross dresses only a little, which I'm assuming from what you've said, then it's probably a fetish or some kind of alternate gender identity. It's very unlikely that he's gay, given that he's dating you, so I'd put him in the 80%. He's almost certainly not an actual transsexual either, or else you would probably know about it. So it looks like a simple quirk of his. But anyways, someone who cross dresses will usually be very careful and attentive to their looks. They have more to change, so they change their appearance more- i.e large amounts of make-up, stylish dresses, etc. Just a plain normal girl isn't likely to change much, so she won't pay as much attention to their looks as a woman (that is just what they naturally look like, no occasion).

pickles2b2 4

Why were you searching for him on the Internet? Creeper much...