By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 15:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out the hard way that blood-filled deer ticks can look a lot like black jelly beans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 015
You deserved it 8 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dylanger16 19

You might want to go to the doctor and get tested for diseases then

Why would you want to eat a black jelly bean anyway, they're the worst!!


knoxxx 22

I think we all want a follow up from OP about where she found the tick. That honestly determines the YDI or FYL for me.

That's so gross, why would you eat a black jelly bean? Also I'm so sorry that this happened.

awe man, that's disgusting. Get checked asap.

Sorry that happened but were you not paying attention to what you were putting in your mouth?

ruthi666 23

I'm so sorry OP, I nearly got sick just imagining that.

PANDORUM89 21 they don't. did you even bother to look at what you were putting in your mouth first? a black jelly bean is black. and shiny. oh and IT DOESNT HAVE LEGS!

Infact the op discovered that blood filled deer ticks taste better than black jellybeans.