By Pissedoffwife - 07/07/2019 14:00

Today, our dishwasher broke. It's my husband's chore to do the dishes, but he refused to hand-wash them, and instead suggested we take them all up to his mother's for her to put in her dishwasher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 780
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What, is he afraid of ruining his manicure or something ?

Just tell him you don’t care how they get done, but you need dishes to use. If he wants to go through all that trouble, let him do it. Alone.


What, is he afraid of ruining his manicure or something ?

Just tell him you don’t care how they get done, but you need dishes to use. If he wants to go through all that trouble, let him do it. Alone.

Time to invest in paper plates and plastic silverware/cups! I hate doing the dishes by hand, but our house won't even hold a dishwasher and it would have to be completely rewired to have one installed, so that's all we've got. At least he can get yours fixed or get a new one.

That’s a lot trash. Put on gloves and wash your dishes, the Earth will thank you.

tounces7 27

He's an idiot if he thinks that will be less work.

grass20 3
Mathalamus 24

If it does the job, so what?

Sonotsuave 35

😂😆 why do I feel like this is something my husband would say