By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 15:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out the hard way that blood-filled deer ticks can look a lot like black jelly beans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 015
You deserved it 8 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dylanger16 19

You might want to go to the doctor and get tested for diseases then

Why would you want to eat a black jelly bean anyway, they're the worst!!


it's really of utmost importance to seek medical attention immediately OP

Man I hate it when I want to eat a blood-filled tick and end up eating a black jelly bean.

JayVicious 20

pretty sure they both said that

Eww, gross! Really, I have nothing else to say, that's just really, really gross... FYL.

EWWW! Black jelly beans are nasty! But seriously, I'd contact a doctor ASAP. Yuck!

Catlover1130 14

Ewwww!!! Lmfao both my friend and I gagged on this one.

It's things like this that are the reason for my trust issues...