By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 12:51 - Netherlands

Today, I found out that my resume contained the word "masturbation" in the skills section, courtesy of a practical joke by my best friend. I have been using this CV unsuccessfully for over two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 973
You deserved it 8 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments


LulusLemon 8

You should draw a big dick on his forehead

YDI, you should proof you resume and write individual cover letters for each job you apply for. If it was important to you, you should put in the effort and attention to detail.

FMLsOhilarious 6

So who are you blaming, your best friend? Because it seems like it's your fault to me. You should be responsible for checking your own resume. YDI.

I'm sure that "masturbation" was replaced over " excellent proof reader"

desireev 17

Yeah, nothing says 'Good one, Buddy!' like sleeping around with your best-friends' girl!

When did that become awesome? The only time a guy should watch that is if he has a six year old daughter who watches it.

So it's a lie? No wonder you haven't been hired.

While I know this must be frustrating, it is nonetheless pretty funny. I can only imagine the looks on HRs' faces when they read that. But good luck on finding a new job.