Just a prank, bro

By Anonymous - 14/05/2021 22:03

Today, I had a job interview. I was feeling upbeat and confident I was gonna get the position, until I saw that my main qualification on my resume was being a "real n**ga" and "getting bitches and hoes 24/7." My brother had changed it as a prank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 264
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, my friend, are inclined to beat the absolute shit out of him. Job interviews are not to played with. IT'S A MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY. Please sir, treat yourself to giving your little **** brother a well deserved old fashioned ass whupping.

I agree with the sentiment, but OP also shares in the blame for not double checking his resume as well.


You, my friend, are inclined to beat the absolute shit out of him. Job interviews are not to played with. IT'S A MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY. Please sir, treat yourself to giving your little **** brother a well deserved old fashioned ass whupping.

I agree with the sentiment, but OP also shares in the blame for not double checking his resume as well.

mccuish 25

Violence is never the answer, but your brother deserves a beating for ruining your chance to work

I'd kill him. Straight up unalive that bitch.

did you not proofread it before sending or printing?