By Dark_Cecilia - 01/12/2015 22:53 - United States - Fremont

Today, I called the cops on this guy who kept emailing me without revealing who he was. I had told him that if he emailed me again, I would call the cops, so I did. Turns out it was my roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 051
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just blocked their email or have it sent to the junk mail folder.

Were the emails threatening? If not, it probably wasn't worth calling the cops :/


You should have just blocked their email or have it sent to the junk mail folder.

noonenoeone 22

Yea that's very much an overreaction and OP sounds like a child.

Block email 1-2 button presses. calling police 3-8 (depending if you dialed 911 from a landline or police station from a cell). Choice 1 required no further effort. Choice 2 requires all kinds of drama. Honestly never knowing it was OPs roommate would probably end up better for everyone.

I'm really wondering what these e-mails were saying. Was is stupid mindless trolling, or threatening harrassment, or something else?

wait until you get an email with details of your address and family and a threat to harm them... This may be an extreme example, but email threat is a threat nonetheless

Maybe he took that prank a little too far.

Don't feel bad, you did the right thing.

Were the emails threatening? If not, it probably wasn't worth calling the cops :/

lexiieeex3 32

If they weren't threatening OP could have just not responded... Usually people harass others for the reaction they expect to get out of it.

Well wasnt there and email From email address

littlepixie298 doesn't tell you much information.

He shouldn't have called your bluff about calling the cops. Even more since he is your roommate he should have know when enough was enough.

I think there's something really wrong with you that you can tell somebody just lay there and let it happen I think you really need some serious help

amileah13 26

You're basically implying that it's okay for her to lay down and let whatever happen to her be allowed. What if he had darker intentions and wanted to rape her? Would you say "shh, just lay down and let it happen" now? Would you blame her for it? Next time think about what you're going to comment on and with what because you'll either get positive votes for it or negative and it's clear what this one was.

amileah13 26

What for? Dumbass had it coming. Let 'em rot for what they're worth. Maybe they won't pull stupid shit like this anymore.

luciorossari 8

He deserved it. Don't help him out on this one.

He will probably start taking you more seriously from now on. Sounds like this needs a follow-up, though.