By whywasitthere - 19/04/2017 09:00 - United States - New Braunfels

Today, I was walking down my road in the hill-country of Texas, when I spotted something shiny buried in the dirt. Thinking it could be something interesting, I picked it up, and, after turning it over numerous times in my hand, realized that it was, in fact, an old silver bullet vibrator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 102
You deserved it 1 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you gotta admit, that IS interesting.

Vampire hunters need to get off too I guess.


Well you gotta admit, that IS interesting.

Vampire hunters need to get off too I guess.

Silver is for Werewolves, not Vampires.

Actually, silver can be used to fend off multiple kinds of supernatural creatures, vampires included.

Silver bullets kill whatever you fire them at. Even Starsrceam.

Quote: 'Silver has a unique place in vampire mythology as the single, solid, naturally occurring substance that can injure a vampire.'

Give it to the crankiest lady in the neighborhood. Either it's hers, or she needs it anyways.

I'm not sure about interesting, but it certainly did give you a buzz.

Tomantio 4

You find bullets everywhere in Texas.

Goblin182 26

wow, what a find...what did you with it?

100% it was a canister of laughing gas not a vibrator