By Anonymous - 04/08/2015 21:42 - United States - Utica

Today, I found out my new puppy has worms by him scooting his butt across my new carpet. It's like smeared spaghetti. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 135
You deserved it 2 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxoblondee 31

I found out my kitten had worms when she farted in my face and one was hanging out of her ass.

Well I guess I won't be eating spaghetti anytime soon...


^ worming. And yes worms can be spread transplacentally or by transmammary transmission. Depends on the parasite. Its why the dam should be worked regularly too.

I'm sorry that happened to you, but why do you have new carpet at the same time as a new puppy?! Hope he gets better soon, OP, and good luck with the mess!

I was eating spaghetti when I read this

hokayyyy no pasta special for me today...

mrslegume 8

The mental picture, it's so horrifying. I'm so sorry you can't un-see this moment in your life.

catanita 18

Burn it........ the carpet i mean.

Animals in general are vile, disgusting things that should never be allowed in the house. YDI.

#72 that isn't a good thing to say. Animals are wonderful and are better than people most times. Dogs are the most loving. However, dude you need to carry your dog to the vet to get wormed out because the milk the puppy was drinking from both his/her mom and what you gave can lead to worms. That's a lot of round worms. Sorry to hear about your carpet :(.

What the **** dude. Really? Not all of them are terrible. I have 40+ pets, (including pheasants) and I'm getting a puppy tomorrow morning.

you paint a vivid picture I will give you that