By Anonymous - 15/07/2015 15:40 - Canada - Port-menier

Today, I found out my mom recently stopped taking her medication. I came home to find she'd shot my dog because she thought he was possessed by the devil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 774
You deserved it 2 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juststephhere 23

Your mom needs some serious help, like I can't even believe that happened. That poor dog... Maybe get her to a doctor before something like this happens again...

This is one of my most horrifying things I've ever read. I'm so sorry.


oh im so sorry! i cant even imagine what ur going through right now. please get ur mother the help she needs and stay strong.

This is hands down the worst - saddest fml ever. My God I'm so sorry for you. That's horrible!

life_smh 15

I really hope this one isn't real ....

OMG! Call the cops and a doctor ASAP! I hope by "shot" the dog, it was just injured and not killed. But still, why in God's name did she stop taking her medication Definitely get her butt some help, and call the cops for animal cruelty.

This makes me wanna cry :'( thts so terrible im so sorry ! Get your mom help and i really hope the best for you .. Poor dog ????

Tsukiyomi 16

That must have been some hardcore meds

tiredofwaiting 25

I have a sibling who suffers from mental illness and he goes off his meds every now and then. I know how you are feeling it is very tough. I am so sorry about your dog. You need to report it to the police ASAP.

My god that's horrible. FYL, but why did you leave a gun near someone who has stopped taking medicine that they need to think straight? That's a recipe for disaster.