By Anonymous - 22/05/2015 15:17 - United States

Today, I found out my mom put breast milk in my cereal until I was 7 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 105
You deserved it 3 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She wanted to be breast friends with you

MattStro 23

How did you find this out??


You probably had the best immune system on the block!

she knew what was breast for you (x

Um.. Cow's milk is also breast milk. It's just breast milk from a cow. Why does human breast milk gross you out, but not breast milk from another species? O_o

Milk from a cow is white. Breast milk has a yellow tint to it. Not very appetizing

#115 Breastmilk does not have a yellow tint to it.

Colostrum is a lil yellow but breast milk looks like cow's milk. Even the foremilk looks like skim milk.

Cow breast milk is also full of puss and literally growth hormones for baby cows that can't consume it because you are. THAT isn't very appetizing.

How we know it was his moms breast milk?

She wanted you to grow healthy and tall! How very caring of her! Also quite disturbing.

Breastfast is the most important meal of the day!

Breast milk from a human? As opposed to what, breast milk from a cow? I don't see how human breast milk worse. Except for the fact that breast milk from any species isn't necessary after toddlerhood. If you didn't drink/eat dairy, then I would agree that it's weird.

As odd as this may sound, it's super healthy for you.