By hustled - 24/08/2012 00:05 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, I found out my girlfriend is only with me because I'm a mechanic and I fix her constantly broken-down car for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 328
You deserved it 2 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Break up with her dude. She's not worth it.

mintcar 9

Mechanic boyfriends are so handy. Anyways, now that you know you're being used, it's time to let her go. Let's see how far she'll go without a car.


Ouch Op, being used always hurts. Sorry, mate. :p Still, better to know now than later, I suppose.

welandedonthemoo 5

At least you're getting rewarded;) Hopefully lol.

AnthonyWheeler15 24

If you break up with her, start your sentence with "I hate to break it to ya..." it would be funny cause you're a mechanic

BeRealB 4

Ouch dude. On the bright side, you're from Australia so hopefully you have the accent to pick up any chick you want

But if he lives in Australia, the girls have accents too.

BeRealB 4

How is it not an accent #27? Do they speak another language? Good point though #28

27 meant the same thing as 28, in Australia it's not an accent it just a normal voice

Ins0mau 20

Think about it. It's as dumb as an Australian saying "With that cool American accent you'll be able to pick up HEAPS of chicks", when the guy lives in the U.S.

bfsd42 20

And to all you Americans, including Californians, you too have an accent. Whether you believe it or not.

LittleGreenPaola 23

For free? Technically I think she pays in nature!

You probably think your shit doesn't stink.

andrew87804 4

Nah that bitch gotta with money or gtfo

linderr 6

Next time she asks for you to fix her car, pretend like you did and let it breakdown for her.

Well, your name speaks the truth you were hustled...

karmaababyy 5

Undo everything you helped her with, then leave her ass

TriflingAllDay 6

^ Isn't #33 like 19 yrs old? Not really a child per say, especially considering you're 21 yourself. :) And even if she was, she still didn't give the Worst advice I've ever seen on FML. ;)

That would be stooping as low as her. Just break up with her and be the bigger person

aadvdrak 11

Now fix your heart, 'cause I'm sure it broke.

conholio33 28

Sorry to hear that OP but maybe she isnt worth it..... Or if u want to stay with her u should charge her to fix her car