Smile politely and keep cool

By Anonymous - 06/03/2023 15:00 - United States

Today, yet again, despite the fact that I don't know anything about politics, I got roped into a political discussion with my roommates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 576
You deserved it 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Completely ignorant about politics? The Republican Party is looking for you.

tiptoppc 19

That’s ok, the politicians don’t know anything either. So it’s an all around ignorance festival.


That’s ok, politics is generally people who don’t know anything pretending to know everything and arguing about it all, more to reassure themselves of their own opinions than to actually discuss anything.

Completely ignorant about politics? The Republican Party is looking for you.

The response is simple. --- Our first president had it right when he discussed in his Farewell Address that a two-party system would be detrimental to this great nation. Therefore you supporters of polarized partisan political ideological dogmas can go fly a kite and just argue amongst yourselves while I go over here and do something that I believe in. --- Then go to the only party that matters and find a person of your preferred gender/sexuality and make like you are procreating.

tiptoppc 19

That’s ok, the politicians don’t know anything either. So it’s an all around ignorance festival.

I feel you. EVERY TIME my stupid aunt and uncle show up, they always bring up how much they despise Trudeau and Biden. I wanna toss them out a window.

If you're old enough for roommates, you're old enough to research what's going on politically. Sucks to be drawn into conversations you don't want to deal with, but if the reason you don't want to engage is because you're politically ignorant, that's all on you.