By Mishti - 13/05/2018 15:00

Today, whilst on the toilet at the mall, I took my new designer sandals off as my feet were blistered. Not even a second later, a hand reached out from under the stall, grabbed my sandals and disappeared. I had to walk home a mile barefoot. In the burning heat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 216
You deserved it 1 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could've bought a new pair of sandals then and there from the mall instead of going home barefoot in the heat I mean why not?! I mean you clearly can afford designer sandals

azouwa 26

BS flag on the play. If you were in a mall you could of found a pair of shoes to walk home in. Nobody us that damn stupid. NEXT!


azouwa 26

BS flag on the play. If you were in a mall you could of found a pair of shoes to walk home in. Nobody us that damn stupid. NEXT!

Ironically, mall shoe stores enforce a strict “No shirt, No shoes, No service” policy. Only people who have shoes can buy shoes!

Maybe the OP could have explained her situation, and they might have let her purchase one of the flip-flops in her size.

chickensheep 15

I guess you SHOEdn’t have taken them off!

What's with all the people stealing stuff from public toilets?

I should start a petition to have public toilet stalls extend to the floor.

I would of immediately unlocked the door and started chasing them

blondie45 21

You mean you would “have”...

Thank you, blondie45! I cringed when I read that.

That's a bit tough if you're in the middle of peeing.

You could've bought a new pair of sandals then and there from the mall instead of going home barefoot in the heat I mean why not?! I mean you clearly can afford designer sandals

Oooooooh, admin comin' in hot with that meta comment.

Lobby_Bee 17

You were at the mall, I'm sure security cameras would have got a glimpse of the thief when they came out of the bathroom.

You should heed the wisdom of the ancient Chinese proverb, “I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet ... so I started mocking him because I was having a shitty day. ‘Hey, what are you going to do, Stumpy, kick my ass? Hahahaha!’” I read that in a fortune cookie!

If u were at the mall were there no shops selling shoes?

Eww, Why would you take your shoes off in a public toilet in the first place....

That was my first thought too! Ewww!