By Maddie - 20/06/2011 20:05 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend uses me for two things. 1) My food. 2) My sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 906
You deserved it 5 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg, shut up about grammar for two seconds. This is a site where we laugh at people's misfortunes not to better our English. Chill out


That's pretty harsh OP, well they deserve each other and your sister will get hers when he ***** her over too.

Well, if he only wants food and your sister, then wouldn't he just take your sister already because he'd still get the food out of your fridge either way....

Key_Of_Awesome 1

Now you know he is not the right guy for you! Find someone even better than him that won't use you and likes you for who you are!

that sucks, but least you're useful..?

your boyfriend is a douche and your sister! wow! who does that to family!

Don't wanna sound nasty but..yeah...he can munch on both....

anovick 0

Do you have a hot sister and good food