By brandiboobarry - 29/11/2010 06:01

Today, I told my mom that I wanted professional head-shots done for Christmas. When asked why, I said "I want to submit them to a modeling agency." My mom exchanged looks with my sister before laughing so hard that she wet herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 753
You deserved it 7 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

singer4life666 0

Well, you had to get your looks from somewhere.

woow. what is with the douchebaggy parents lately? even if my kids were disgustingly ugly I would never tell them or laugh at them for trying to make themselves more confident. geez.


tell them you meant shots of you getting head. then we'll see who's laughing.

iSitt 0

is the headshot person the same as the modeling agency ? Sounds like a scam. Or they'll kidnap you and sell you on the organ market.

0opsie 6

You don't even have to be pretty to be a model. You just have to have the "right body", which is tall, thin, and angular. If you're not that, then YDI for not doing your research and wanting to bother a modeling agency with yet another useless portfolio of a wanna-be model.

44- Ahh yes of course I shall have it arranged asap. I'll be the photographeress.

EllieB123 5

42- I'm a size 5 with a 28 in waste. Average n I'm a model. It's about personality and how u work with the camera. Trust me. U dont have to be skinny or really tall. So that logic is false

singer4life666 0

Well, you had to get your looks from somewhere.

VeeVengeance 0

hahaha :D too bad she wasn't smart enough to come up with that on her own.

Draminicaus 0

Am I the only person that had to read that a second time because I thought it was talking about Call of Duty? o_O

I was thinking headshots lol like my name?

I got 44 kills. once. I like head shots. mhmmmm.

what's lame is my aim. awhaa?! I made a rhyme!

Draminicaus 0

Congratulations Dr. Seuss. Now go play in traffic with the green cars, red cars, and blue cars.

sounds dangerous. I'll get on it right away.

Hahaha, I'm addicted to black ops right now( :

I can't believe you guys are talking about Call of Duty where it is completely irrelevant on FML ¬_¬

don't diss ausomeness, haha yeah just made a word hit me up on black ops dre2469

Black Ops is addictive 8) on xbox live im csanti1619 :D well thats my dads account (=^~^=)

woow. what is with the douchebaggy parents lately? even if my kids were disgustingly ugly I would never tell them or laugh at them for trying to make themselves more confident. geez.

I know right? and they'll also be horribly deformed considering my fiancé is ALSO my brother/cousin!! hah! :D

I dunno, my family's like that too, I just think it's funny. Only those who never built up a resistance to that form of comedy get offended and post on FML, remember.

WankersCramp 0

i would buy them a fake pair of **** for christmas.

My mom and dad are like that, and then they always ask me why I'm so self-concious (can't spell that word).

I'm guessing that submitting them would be a waste of time...

just to choose the right modelling agency and youll have the last laugh