By Nxydolli - 29/04/2011 19:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I found myself crying for an hour when my recreated crush on The Sims 3 game rejected my character and ran off with someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 154
You deserved it 56 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only is that sad on many levels but not even a character in game wants you so in that case FYL.


you got rejected by a video game...thats just sad.

it's mostly sad cause it's Sims.. you control the game, idiot.

awkward.... u should really get a life!

bamfxd 4

It's not even real! I can't imagine how you'd react if someone rejects you in real life.

sharkwkrox 0

sorry to hear that. but umm it's just a game..