By steph - 13/09/2011 21:40 - China

Today, I found a note on the front door of my flat saying, "You left your keys in your garage door so I put them in your letter box". Guess where my letter box key is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 976
You deserved it 6 658

Same thing different taste


katiecherrie 4

Eh. At least someone didn't break into your house and steal shit?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or something like that.

Everyone is saying the garage, OP asked where the key is... it's on the same ring of keys that are in the box...which needs the key that's inside it to open it.

thank you haha u helped me understand this... aha dumb moment

Finally.. I had to search through the comments to see who'd understand.

If its in your letter box shouldnt the person know that since they opened your letter box to put the keys in there.... So they should know you cant open the box to get the key... But I could be wrong

cptmorgan6 8

Yes, that would be the purpose of the FML...

deathtrap 0

Actually no. He put the keys in the mailbox using the open slot the mailman uses the key the owner uses is on the Keyring so he can't get into the mailbox now

salvorican 24

Maybe you'll get lucky and a magical unicorn will get your keys for you

Damn, at least they were trying to be nice

If they could get into your letter box without a key, you should be able too.

katiecherrie 4
missbadluk 0

Really? You DO know what a letter box is right? Wow...