By ivegotapackage - 05/01/2015 23:47 - United States - Greensboro

Today, I got a notice on my apartment door that I'd received a package when no one was home, and it was left at the backdoor. I don't have a backdoor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 758
You deserved it 2 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Before calling the police I'd check with the apartment manager. Sometimes they accept packages on behalf of residents/store packages in the office for safekeeping.

It was probably a prank someone pulled on you. Try to find who sent the package


First comment! :D That seriously sucks though. My suggestion is call the police and the shipping company like USPS or UPS or FedEx. Find out who delivered it and maybe get finger prints off the note? Good luck!

It was probably a prank someone pulled on you. Try to find who sent the package

You "received a package at the back door" if you know what I meant~

"Shake for me, girl. I wanna be your backdoor man."

badluckalex 23

11, you surely didn't help the situation. Now, there's the back door, you can leave now.

I have this funny feeling there may be a button for that somewhere around here...

cadillacgal79 32

Or your house is built into a hill

You've never lived in a dorm, I assume.

Oh really, Jesus where would I be without you guys, now I know that there isn't always a backdoor... wow amazing

cadillacgal79 32

32-you just contradicted yourself...

No I did not, it's called sarcasm... I made sure to type easily enough through typing as sarcasm isn't easily noticed when typed out. Even if I wasn't being sarcastic, I did not contradict myself, you're wrong.

I think your boyfriend is subtly trying to tell you that he wants to try anal... Kudos to him on his creativity!

Before calling the police I'd check with the apartment manager. Sometimes they accept packages on behalf of residents/store packages in the office for safekeeping.

They are talking about the backdoor your boyfriend's side chick sneaks out of.

Dreamsorrow93 24

Just a wild guess... Maybe the apartment behind you is your back door?

HighasaCloud 46

If it is a different apartment, how would it be a back door to your place?

DrRO93 14

Then where the **** did it go?