By Anonymous - 30/07/2019 04:01

Today, I finished my first shift at my new summer job. I've only been working there for 6 hours and they already call me, "The blonde one". I made straight A's in my last semester of college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 533
You deserved it 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cannot FML or YDI until I find out if your hair is actually blonde and you might have forgotten.

And with all your straight A's and college smarts you can't speak up and tell them "hey, my name is X, you can call me by it."? Stand up for yourself if it bothers you.


You could have taken easy classes during your last semester. Formal education doesn’t guarantee you won’t make an ass of yourself during your first day of work.

There are far worse things to be called than the "blonde one." Just sayin'.

How long did it take you to find your keys? ;)

Cannot FML or YDI until I find out if your hair is actually blonde and you might have forgotten.

And with all your straight A's and college smarts you can't speak up and tell them "hey, my name is X, you can call me by it."? Stand up for yourself if it bothers you.

mccuish 25
Mungolikecandy 19

Booksmart is not necessarily capable on other levels. I know a lecturer and he comes across as very socially inept and stupid but is the smartest person I know.

I'm thinking that maybe you're not the only one who just started and because not everyone there knows your name yet, they just refer to you as 'the blonde one', because of the colour of your hair. I'm just saying it doesn't have to be an insult.

Context? You’re new, maybe they’re just calling you that because you have blonde hair. Is it followed up by an insulting joke or something?

Grow a thicker skin, and ignore them!