By theothercassie - 10/02/2011 14:55

Today, I reported in for my first day at work. When I walked in they asked "Who are you?" I answered "Cassie, it's my first day today" with a huge smile. They'd meant to call and offer the job to the other Cassie they interviewed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 552
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best option is to tell them that you killed the other Cassie. The job is open again, and you're already there so...


natas_fml 13

he doesn't know. he was in such a hurry to be first that he typed the first thing that came to mind. pft.

You people need to use your logic. What I meant was that OP should try applying for different jobs until she gets one.

Make sure you get paid at least for the whole day. By law they have to.

but hey, look on the good side, you still get paid for another week

tehslack 5

That's not fair. keep trying op someone will notice your hard work.

newjerseyguy 0

wow thats very shitty, he should atleast pay you something for making that stupid of a mistake.

Your best option is to tell them that you killed the other Cassie. The job is open again, and you're already there so...

perdix 29

And add to that that you ate the other Cassie, so they get double the Cassie-ness for the price of one;)

Tell them that you're wearing the 'old Cassie's' skin as a suit and therefore you and she are now one. Seriously, look on the bright side - at least you don't have to work for a company that's fundamentally incompetent.

Wow, that actually really sucks.. I'm genuinely sorry for you.

stand out more for employers and stop sucking

haha, I laugh everytime I look at it too. Pogs were legit

My son was pretty good at pogs. He was 2 years old in 1994.

itsmisskay 2

Wow that does suck! But honestly HOW MANY OF THESE ARE GONNA BE POSTED ON HERE?!?! This is about the fourth time I've seen this with a different name every time!