By Max - 04/03/2017 22:00

Today, I sent a thank you note after a job interview, emphasizing my accuracy at editing written reports; I misspelled the company's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 286
You deserved it 5 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eashy 16

Shouldn't really need to bolster your image in a thank you note


Eashy 16

Shouldn't really need to bolster your image in a thank you note

jcash52426 5

Who sends a thank you note after going to an interview

a lot of people actually. interviewers spend a lot of time interviewing a bunch of dumb people. I know it's their job but they didn't have to interview you the full amount of time. it's just a nice little gesture to say hey thanks for your 20 minutes I appreciate you.

Majesticmya 1

Maybe they'll think you did it on purpose and have a good laugh at it.

You should suggest that the company re-brand itself with the new name you proposed.

Deadpoolscomedywriter 6

double check your grammar before you push submit

Spelling mistakes happen to everyone, but the company's name? That's pretty bad. You should always triple check the important stuff.

r83839 22

Judging from this FML, you shouldn't be an editor anyway.

The irony of this is almost painful. For one thing, you probably shouldn't be boasting about yourself in a thank you note. And if you're going to, especially about your "editing skills," you may want to try using spellcheck.