
By tampon of doom - 27/05/2021 14:01

Today, I found out from a cousin why my older aunts treated me so differently when we were growing up. Apparently, my mom told them that when I was 14, I wanted to use tampons instead of pads. According to their backward, archaic logic, that meant I was sexually active. No wonder they hated me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 408
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sweetie 5

Being sexually active is no reason to hate anyone. If anything they should have pulled you to the side and had a conversation about protection. Glad you realize they are nuts and hope you ignore their bad behavior.

bleachedraven 14

"family" will make you not want anything to do with sex because they throw it around so much it means nothing except painful memories like that, meanwhile making you feel humiliated.


bleachedraven 14

"family" will make you not want anything to do with sex because they throw it around so much it means nothing except painful memories like that, meanwhile making you feel humiliated.

Sweetie 5

Being sexually active is no reason to hate anyone. If anything they should have pulled you to the side and had a conversation about protection. Glad you realize they are nuts and hope you ignore their bad behavior.

That is absolutely NOT something they should have hated you for--as you stated, tampons don't have anything to do with sexuality, but if you WERE active at 14, they should have been concerned and tried to help you with whatever was wrong, not condemning you. Family is meant to protect and support you, not condemn you.