By PaperInfection - 23/11/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I fell in a hole in my back yard and got stuck. My mother called the fire department. They all stood around laughing and taking pictures before they helped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 299
You deserved it 5 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Erindub 0

So you lay there and let the jackasses take pics but once you get rescued kick their asses and throw their cameras into the hole. Problem solved!

perdix 29

They always wanted a picture of a Hole in One. How did you fall into the hole, 'hole?


hahaha thats hilarious, seriously how fat do you have to be to get stuck in a hole? where can i find these pictures??

Mx_Rider 6

wow you people.... im a volunteer fire fighter for la county.... 1st - we dont do that stuff laugh etc. 2nd- its in our code not to bring personal devices cell,ipod,pager etc 3rd- i think i made my point? op next time watch where youre going,then the "fireman" wont laugh at you...

antherletdwn 0

lmao sounds like sumthing that happened to me when i was about 8... but it was in the front of the house. and i could climb out. with a little help from my friend :] lmao.

What the hell? Your mother called the fire department? Why did she not put down a ladder, or rope, or a chair (for you to stand on and climb out)? Or why didn't she ask a neighbour for help pulling you out? It must have been a freaking deep hole, in which case, how did you end up down there? What a waste of fire department resources.

It's because you weren't a baby white girl.

isnt that illegal for them to do or just something theyll get in huge shit for?

This is so untrue. Because I am a Firefighter and I wouldn't laugh at someone in need of help. Either their hurt or they just ****** up and can't get out but can have a good laugh at it after or in the future. Even Fire Departments around me I see are very respectful. I'd sue them for taking pictures of you and not being professional.

just because you wouldn't doesn't mean they wouldn't. maybe you're just a nicer person

waterynuggets 0

Heee. I was thinking about the one where Homer fell in that wide but not very deep ditch and sued the church.

Exactly Abradant! Every "House" is different... Most though deal with SOOOO much stress that ocasionally theyll f with folks to burn iff steam... Its as one said the way that cookie crumbles Lol...