By Scared - 08/04/2019 17:00 - United States - Pacific

Today, I fell asleep while watching the Ted Bundy documentary. I'm a woman, home alone, in Seattle. The nightmares were so scary, I may never want to sleep again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 701
You deserved it 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just what we always needed: A remake of Sleepless in Seattle!

well, Ted Bundy is dead so maybe that fact will help you sleep better. also quit telling people on the internet that you’re home alone lol that’s how a lot of horror movies start


Just what we always needed: A remake of Sleepless in Seattle!

What really gets me is that OP is scared but gave away her location in the FML anyways.

well, Ted Bundy is dead so maybe that fact will help you sleep better. also quit telling people on the internet that you’re home alone lol that’s how a lot of horror movies start

Or so he’d have you believe. Apparently, the inmate electrocuted in Florida was significantly heavier than Bundy, according to some of the guards. Dunh-dunh-dunh!

Florida says you’re welcome for the extermination.

Mungolikecandy 19

A little something to help you out. Ted Bundy is dead.

yellow minion 14

don't watch scary stuff when you're home alone!