Get me out of here

By Anonymous - 25/06/2021 23:02 - United States - Schertz

Today, I had a sleepover with two of my friends. We only had one bed, and it ended up with me against the wall. I then remembered that I'm very claustrophobic, and can't sleep. It's 4 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have questions: First, how did you not realize there was only one bed before deciding to go to sleep? Second, was there no space on the floor to prevent you from being squashed against the wall? And third, how the hell do you forget you're claustrophobic?


I have questions: First, how did you not realize there was only one bed before deciding to go to sleep? Second, was there no space on the floor to prevent you from being squashed against the wall? And third, how the hell do you forget you're claustrophobic?

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