By Anonymous - 12/08/2019 06:02

Today, I saw a guy at a bar that looked cute. I didn't dare talk to him, though. When I was on my way home, drunkenly singing the entire way, I finally noticed he was walking along behind me. Probably for about 15 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 384
You deserved it 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are walking alone and don’t take notice of your surroundings for 15 minutes. Embarrassment was the least of your worries. Not only are you increasing your chance of being a victim, you are increasing your chance for an accident.


You are walking alone and don’t take notice of your surroundings for 15 minutes. Embarrassment was the least of your worries. Not only are you increasing your chance of being a victim, you are increasing your chance for an accident.

Your singing mustn’t suck. Or it sucks so badly, he followed you ironically.