Legalize it!

By fml9124 - 07/11/2020 17:02

Today, my state decriminalized small amounts of every hard drug you can name. Heroin, LSD, cocaine, you name it. I'm a recovering addict. I moved to Oregon to get away from the big city and drugs and take in nature. No I didn't. I knew this would happen. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 906
You deserved it 1 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Decriminalization is a long way from legalization. Buying and selling drugs is still illegal as is having large amounts with intent to distribute. It's not like you're suddenly going to go to McDonald's for a coke and a Coke ™. And fries. Talk about a Happy Meal!

If the only thing keeping you from relapsing into addiction was state law, then you have a problem. Maybe you need to look into Nar-Anon or something like that.


Decriminalization is a long way from legalization. Buying and selling drugs is still illegal as is having large amounts with intent to distribute. It's not like you're suddenly going to go to McDonald's for a coke and a Coke ™. And fries. Talk about a Happy Meal!

Marcella1016 31

You never know. McDonald’s could still get away with it as long as you don’t Super Size it.

Probably less harmful to human bodies than what they currently serve.

Warp1978 15

Did you know this was the case before moving out to the state? Do you have a program you can join for support?

If the only thing keeping you from relapsing into addiction was state law, then you have a problem. Maybe you need to look into Nar-Anon or something like that.

of course the OP has a problem. it's called "addiction". that said, I don't see how decriminalization of drug USE feeds into the OP's addiction. I don't believe any state has decriminalized the SALE of hard drugs.

less fear of having it, means the fear is in getting it.but that is a quick thing to do generally. so there is now no risk in having or using. which could be enough for a newly recovering addict to relapse. the point of moving to a place that is strict about it, is to add an extra barrier, people don't become addicts because of strong will power.

xxlk4xx 6

find a support group asap! also, there's a lady on Instagram I think her name is tiffany Jenkins, who is also a recovering addict. she is funny, relatable and may understand what you're going through! I wish you all the best!

#1 The drugs you mentioned are not "legalized". Possession is decriminalized. The difference is there will still be no legal or advertised distribution channel to tempt you to buy those drugs. #2 There is no " getting away" from illegal drugs. There are illegal drugs in every community. There are even plenty of drugs in prison. , Addicts will always find a way to get what they crave. It's up to you to continue to work on your recovery. Good luck!

Your recovery isn't very strong if this law change can derail it. Work a better program.

As a recovering addict my self, I was taught by my sponsor that there will come a time when the only thing between me and my next drink is my relationship with my higher power. I no longer live in fear of using again. I hope you find what you need to stay sober. You never know, your experience may be just what someone else needs to get sober.

coius 23

Screw higher powers. Having a good support team that will be by your side to support you at a moments notice when you need them most matters more. A higher power isn’t going to take you for a drive to clear your head instead of using. A higher power isn’t going to give you a physical hug and a shoulder to cry on when you are weak and having a bad day. No higher power is going to save you when you relapse by taking the drugs away physically so you can’t OD and kill yourself. This is why I hate these groups. The best therapy is a good strong physical connection with support and a therapist who can help you work through life’s challenges instead of succumbing to pitfalls and “lighting up”. Besides, they trade one addiction for another. Whether it’s caffeine, smoking or food, these things can kill you just as much as the drugs you are trying to quit. They just take longer. Seriously, if they stopped pushing that higher power BS, i think they’d help more people, including if they set up services like a local phone support of someone who is willing to help 24/7 and be there when a person is at their weakest. It would be the most effective for recovering. I still think the apologize to those wronged is good though. You dont have to be accountable to a god. The respect in yourself and in others is enough to make an effort. Deities don’t matter as much as family and friends.

Just because it's slightly decriminalized doesn't mean you have to do it.

hey now, coming from a fellow former addict, you knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. you can't run away, it will follow you.