By hjkashld - 24/04/2012 01:48 - United States

Today, I faked back pain to get out of sex with my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 528
You deserved it 36 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That back pain is probably related to your lack of spine. And really, **** HER life. She deserves better.


Just remember, If your not satisfying her.... Someone will. I hope you remember this when it happens.

Here's a spoon get the sand out of your mangina

BunBunBabe 8

Wow, seriously? Couldn't you have just said no? It isn't a flaw of character to not want sex every time she asks. YDI for not being honest with the woman you're supposed to love and trust.

Thats ****** up. I would be extremely pissed if I was her

Why would you be pissed ? The husband didnt feel like sex... Big deal

YDI for not being honest with your wife. Im sure she would understand if you just weren't feeling up to it. Instead of blatantly lying to her, be honest. "Honey, I'm just not feeling it tonight. I will make it up to you tomorrow.", etc. She'd probably be hurt if she found out you lied.

trueblue170 13

I agree with zeldaluvr2007 (awesome name, by the way). YDI for not being honest to the woman you love.

Is it because she braided her armpit hair? I heard it's all the rage.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Doesn't sex act as a natural pain killer anyway? If your wife knew that, you would have no way out. And then get your ass kicked for lying.

Smallmercy 14

Natural painkiller? Did the naughty nurse tell you that? "I've been shot!" "Ok drop your pants" "But I was shot in the arm!"

It really is true, even a nurse once told me that the best cure for a headache or migraine is sexual activity ( meaning ******, not necessarily only penetration )

I call BS!!!! The last thing you want is sex when you have a blasted Migraine! It does NOT help! What it can help is a "tension headache". Huge difference!

Just tell her the truth, I bet she has told you she isn't up for it before. Why lie